For a printable version of these RULES CLICK HERE
I. Membership
a. The GCDA will not practice discrimination due to age, sex, race, religion, or national origin and all references to "he" in the RULES OF PLAY and BY LAWS shall apply and mean "she" as well.
b. GCDA Members in good standing are defined as not owing any membership dues for past or current seasons of play as prescribed by the GCDA council, and not being under any form of suspension.
c. Membership dues are paid by individual season and are preferred to be paid in full by packet pick-up prior to start of regular season play and due no later than the 1st scheduled captains' meeting following the first week of play for that season.
d. Any player who has not paid his or her membership dues in full by the designated meeting date will be declared ineligible for match play and posted on the GCDA website. No points will be awarded for this person's match play and any points received for the matches this person plays going forward will be awarded to the opposing teams.
e. If this person or persons pays his/her dues, he/she will be declared eligible again and allowed to play and be awarded match points. However, any points lost due to ineligibility will not be awarded back to that player's team.
f. Team fees, also referred to as bar fees, are due at the start of each season for all teams participating in match play for the current season. An invoice will be emailed to the bar owner/manager stating the fees owed and due date. Links for payment to GCDA will also be included on the invoice/email.
g. Council reserves the right to prohibit or suspend match play at any bar that is delinquent and has not made arrangements to pay.
h. A player’s membership is automatic acceptance of these rules and conditions which are not subject to appeal, except to the Rules and Protest Committee. i. The captain or his/her designated team representative acting as team captain will be required to attend the Captain's Meetings each month as scheduled by the League Council. Captain's meetings will be held typically the first Monday of the month unless that day is a holiday or at the start of a new season. League Council may schedule special Captain's meetings to conduct necessary League business requiring captains’ attention. Failure to attend the meeting will result in the loss of 2 (two) points from the team’s total points for the current season.
II. Scheduling a. All league scheduling will be in the best interest of the GCDA. The council will consider advancing any team that finishes first in regular season to a higher division depending on their rostered players and according to the number of teams that are participating for the current season. The team average, which is determined by the points per dart for the top three (3), four (4), or six (6) team players on that team, will be considered when placing teams in divisions. Equalization of divisions and the best possible competition, as well as any and all other pertinent information, will be considered in making these determinations. b. All league schedules shall be constructed by the GCDA League Council as soon as possible after the submission of completed rosters. The League Council will announce the initial and final roster submission dates. c. Copies of the schedule will be published to the team sponsor (bar) and to the team captains prior to the beginning of each season. d. Council will consider the availability of bar space for all matches and will schedule accordingly to represent the best interest of GCDA e. Schedules will be announced by the league council at packet pick up. f. "COMPLETED ROSTERS" means: Names and GCDA dart numbers, phone number and email address (if applicable) for Captains, Co-Captains, and all team members, team name, home bar with phone number, and requested night of league play. III. Divisions a. The GCDA will endeavor to have as many equal numbers of teams per division and numbers of divisions each season as is necessary to provide relative levels of match play for all of its members. Division designation will be based on points per dart for the top three (3) for Trips Teams, top six (6) players for Tuesday Night Teams and the top four (4) players for Thursday Night Teams, and any and all pertinent information accumulated. IV. Time of Matches a. The start time for the first game of the match is to be within 15 minutes of 7:30pm for all Tuesday Night, Wednesday Night and Thursday Night divisions. Any match not underway by 15 minutes after the official start time may be subject to forfeit. Players arriving late who are members in good standing and listed on the appropriate roster are eligible to play in non-thrown sections of play. Games shall not be delayed because of late players. V. Match Profile a. Tuesday Match Play - 6 Player Format – (effective 09/01/2021) 1. Match Play Format: minimum of six (6) players, maximum of ten (10) players per team. 2. Six (6) single 501, single in double out (SIDO); one (1) point for each game won 3. Three (3) doubles Cricket; two (2) points for each game won 4. Three (3) doubles 301, double in double out (DIDO); two (2) points for each game won 5. Total possible points for the match play are eighteen (18) 6. All divisions are to play the best 2 of 3 format for ALL matches. 7. The lineup for all games shall consist of the player's name and GCDA number. 8. The home team will put up their players first in the first two 501 games. The visiting team will put up their players first in the next two 501 games. The home team will put up their players in the last two 501 games. 9. In Cricket, the visiting team will put up the first-round team first. The home team will put up the second-round team first. The visiting team will put up the third-round team first. 10. The home team will put up the first round 301 team first. The visiting team will put up the second-round team first and the home team will put up the last 301 round first. b. Wednesday Match Play - 3 Player Format (Trips) 1. Match Play Format: minimum of three (3) players, maximum of six (6) players per team. 2. Three (3) single 501, single in double out (SIDO); one (1) point for each game won 3. Three (3) doubles 501; two (2) points for each game won 4. Three (3) singles cricket; one (1) point for each game won 5. Three (3) doubles cricket; two (2) points for each game won 6. Total possible points for the match play are eighteen (18) 7. No player can play in more than one (1) singles 501 game, no more than one (1) singles cricket game. 8. No two (2) players can play as a team in more than one (1) 501 doubles game or no more than one (1) doubles cricket game. Players in doubles 501 games must rotate partners with other members of team and players in doubles cricket teams must rotate partners with other members of team. (i.e. "Player A" and "Player B" can play doubles 501 and doubles cricket as a team one (1) time per match. As play continues, "Player A" must play doubles 501 and doubles cricket as a team with "Player C, D or E", etc.) 9. Best 2 of 3 format for all matches in Divisions A & B. C Division and lower will play single game format. 10. The lineup for all games shall consist of the player's name and GCDA number. 11. The home team will put up their players first in the first set of singles 501 and doubles 501 games. The visiting team will put up their players first in the next set of singles cricket and doubles cricket games and the next set of singles 501 and doubles 501 games. The home team will put up their players first in the next set of singles cricket and doubles cricket games and the next set of singles 501 and doubles 501 games. 12. The visiting team will put up their players first in the last set of singles cricket and doubles cricket games. c. Thursday Match Play – 4 Player Format 1. Match Play Format: minimum of four (4) players, maximum of eight (8) players per team. 2. Four (4) doubles 501, single in double out (SIDO); one 1 point for each game won 3. Four (4) singles 501, single in double out (SIDO); one (1) point for each game won 4. Four (4) doubles cricket; one (1) point for each game won 5. Four (4) singles Cricket; one (1) point for each game won 6. Two (2) doubles 301, double in double out (DIDO); one (1) point for each game won 7. Total possible points for the match play are eighteen (18) 8. AA, A and B Divisions will play the 2 out of 3 format in all singles matches and in all 301 matches. All other divisions will play single loss elimination and not adhere to any 2 out of 3 formats. 9. The lineup for all games shall consist of the player's name and GCDA number. 10 The scoresheet for Thursday Night league will indicate, by shading, the team that puts up first. d. To Be Observed in All Formats 23. All games must be thrown 2 at a time unless both captains agree otherwise. 24. Changes and substitutions may be made only in case of a personal emergency where a listed player cannot throw the game and must leave the building. 25. Any use of an illegal player in match play, used and discovered, will result in the forfeiture of those points gained by the use of the illegal player. Further action may be considered by the Rules and Protest Committee should circumstances require. 26. Blinds (absent players) may not be used until all present players have been played in each section of the format. If both teams have a blind it will be scored as a loss for both teams. 27. All games should be played on the centermost board available unless both captains agree otherwise. VI. Equipment a. All league competition, including tournaments and playoffs, shall be conducted on a Standard English Bristle (Red, Black, and Green colors only) 20-point clock faced dartboard of top quality and decent condition. b. Dartboards shall be positioned five feet, eight inches (+/- 1/4 inch) from floor to the center of the bullseye, with the wedge at the top center. c. The hockey (foul or toe) line shall be no longer than thirty-six inches (eighteen inches either side of center) and be seven feet, nine and one-quarter inches (measured from the front surface of the board to the front of the toe line), and with a diagonal of nine feet seven 3/8 inches (from center of bull to front of toe line). d. A lateral distance of two feet from the bullseye shall be clear of all obstructions (i.e. walls, shelves, and tables.) e. When more than one board on the same wall is being used for play during a match, a minimum of five feet (preferably six) shall be maintained between the centers of the boards in use. f. All league boards shall be firmly anchored to the wall and will be well illuminated. g. The dart board spider wire must not be broken, and the double and triple rings must be within a tolerance of 1/32 inch of the normal space of 3/8 inch. h. The pub owner is responsible for supplying and maintaining the league play dartboards, which must be deemed appropriate for play by the district director or the GCDA League Council. i. Prior to the beginning of league play, the director from each district will inspect each league play board for the compliance of measurements, lighting, and play condition. VII. Beginning the Game a. Local play should be ended 30 minutes prior to league play on the night(s) of scheduled GCDA league play so that both the visiting and the home teams can use the boards for warming up. It is considered the home team captain’s responsibility to enforce this, and in keeping with good sportsmanship and hospitality to identify the visiting team’s captain and invite the team to warm up. b. The warm-up period after the players have been put up by the captains and prior to the start of match play shall be limited to nine (9) darts per player. c. All games must begin by throwing for the cork with the home team having the option of first or second throw for first throw at cork. The team of the player who throws closest to the cork shall throw first, starting the game. Only the players scheduled for the match play may throw for the cork. d. An “01” game is concluded at such time as a player/team hits the double required to reduce the remaining score to zero. Any and all darts thrown subsequently shall not count for score. e. Any thrower may approach the board, without touching it, to check the dart(s) thrown. f. The player throwing for the cork need not go first in the doubles. g. Should there be a need for a re-throw of the cork, person throwing second on first cork attempt now throws first, with additional re-throws being made on an alternate basis until there is a winner of the cork. h. The dart must remain in the board in order to count. Additional throws may be made (only when throwing for the cork) until such time that the players dart remains in the board. Should the second thrower dislodge the dart of the first thrower, a re-throw will be made with the second thrower now throwing first. i. Re-throws shall be called for if the scorer (see Section VIII) cannot decide which dart is closer to the cork or if both darts are anywhere in the inner bull or both darts are anywhere in the outer bull. j. The thrown darts that remain in the board may not be touched to determine closeness to the cork. Measurement or decision must be made from the distance of the entrance point of the dart in the dartboard to the cork without touching or straightening the dart. k. The second thrower may acknowledge the first dart as an inner or outer bull and ask the dart be removed before throwing. l. In the 2 out of 3 format, the order of throwers need not remain the same in different legs of play. VIII. Scoring a. Having a scorer (chalker) or use of an electronic tablet for scoring is optional for any game by mutual consent of the players involved in the game. The scorer can be asked to step down by the shooter involved at any time during the game. The scorer will be a member of one of the teams playing, unless a capable person is agreed upon by both players for that
game. b. The scorer will stand still in an area no further than three (3) feet from the scoreboard next to the board being used for the game. There will be no drinking or tobacco use (smoking, dipping, chewing, etc.) by the scorer during the game. The scorer will not make any unnecessary movements (head movement, leaning to check darts thrown, rocking, etc.) until all three darts of the turn are thrown. The scorer will face the board at all times. c. The scorer will not call out a score on one dart or all three darts, unless asked to do so by the present shooter. The scorer may tell the amount scored or remaining if asked to do so by the present shooter. d. The scorer may not tell a shooter what to throw, what double to shoot, or the combinations available for an out shot. e. If the shooters cannot agree, the scorer will determine the winner of the bull or the need for a re-throw. f. All darts will be counted by the shooter and must be acknowledged by the shooter before the darts are removed (including doubling in or out). When the winning dart is thrown, the scorer will signify that the game has ended. g. The scorer will remain neutral at all times. h. For a dart to count, it must remain in the board until called and scored except when the dart ends a game. i. Regarding electronic tablets: If, during a game, the tablet goes off or loses the game score for any reason and is not able to be recovered in a timely manner during that game, that game must be started over as a new game. Players must agree again to continue using the tablet or stop using it for the new game. j. Should there be a mistake in the scoring, it must be pointed out and changed before the teams next turn. Discrepancies discovered after the players throw of the team making the mistake will remain as scored unless both players agree to the change in the interest of good sportsmanship and fair competition. k. Scores will be determined by the side of the wire separating the different areas and scored where the point of the dart first penetrates the face of the board. “Robin Hoods” and bounce outs do not score. l. Infringements of the hockey (foot or toe) line will be brought to the attention of the thrower’s captain the first time as a courtesy. If subsequent violations continue, and are called, the dart thrown will not count. CLARIFICATION: The throwers two (2) feet must be behind the line until after the darts are released. Reasonable accommodations shall be extended to the disabled. m. A player throwing out of turn will have their score removed and his/her turn forfeited for that round. n. The captain of the home team is responsible for providing the GCDA score sheet for each home match and must keep all of the home score sheets until the end of the league play for that season should there be any questions. o. THE WINNING TEAM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUBMITTING THE SCORESHEET TO THE OFFICIAL SCOREKEEPER VIA EMAIL OR MESSENGER. p. There will be one scoresheet provided for a team’s home games. A digital copy should be made by each captain and also submitted to official scorekeeper for results recording. q. All score sheets must be time stamped no later than Thursday of that week for Tuesday Night Teams, no later than Friday of that week for Wednesday Night Teams and no later than Saturday of that week for Thursday Night Teams. r. Penalty for late score sheets will be a two (2) point deduction from the team’s total points. Repeated late or missing score sheets may result in an investigation by the GCDA Rules and Protest Committee. s. The score keeper’s responsibility is scorekeeping only. Rules interpretation is the responsibility of the GCDA Rules and Protest Committee. IX. MVP points, High Ins, High Outs and Patches a. Values are to be determined by the GCDA approved MVP list. b. All MVP points must be properly entered on the score sheet. High Ins, High Outs and Patches should be recorded by the home team captain on the bottom of the score sheet with the player’s name and GCDA dart number. c. Neither MVP points or Patches can be arbitrated with the scorekeeper at a later date. d. In Cricket, all darts must count full value to score MVP points. e. MVP points will not be counted during playoff matches. f. The GCDA will award one (1) MVP plaque per division to the male darter and one (1) to the female darter with the most MVP points at the end of the regular season. g. Any ties for top MVP point accumulation will be determined by a single throw off of a 501 match. h. One (1) Plaque will be awarded for the HIGH IN within each division at the end of regular season. One (1) Plaque will be awarded for the HIGH OUT in each division at the end of regular season. i. MVP points will be counted in all legs, all formats, all nights. High Ins, High Outs, and all patches count in all legs. X. Postponements a. A match, to include playoff matches, may be postponed by mutual agreement between the captains prior to the day/night of the scheduled match play. Exceptions to the aforementioned should be brought to the attention of the league council for review. b. All postponed matches should be played BEFORE the last week of the season. The team requesting reschedule must attempt 3 times to reschedule the match. If no date can be agreed upon, the Rules and Protest Committee will resolve the issue. c. CLARIFICATION: Please do not call the day/night of a match to get a postponement. It is not fair to the team that showed up, even if the other captain is willing to postpone. It is the responsibility of a team to be present at the scheduled match at the scheduled time and place. XI. Eligibility for Playoffs and Finals All of the team members listed on the original roster must play a minimum of two (2) matches for seasons with ten (10) or less weeks and a minimum of three (3) matches for seasons with over ten (10) weeks. If a player attends a match resulting in forfeit due to the other team failing to field required number of players he/she shall be credited for this match as long as he/she appears on the submitted score sheet. However, the team forfeiting the match due to insufficient number of players shall not be credited for participation for that week and all players will still need to attend the required number of matches for that season to be eligible for post season play. XII. Playoff Procedures a. The number of teams to make the playoffs in each division will be indicated on the GCDA website and will be presented to the team captains during the season. b. The following method will be used for end of regular season -breakers in this order: 1. Head to head matches during regular season play. 2. The best win-loss records during regular league play.
3. In the event of a tie during playoff and final matches, the tie breaker will be decided by one game of 1001 SIDO six (6) person team for 6-person divisions, one game of 1001 SIDO four (4) person team for 4-person divisions & one game of 1001 SIDO three (3) person team for 3-person divisions. c. One team plaque will be awarded to the regular season team winner of each division. This plaque will include a team picture, the team name and the team members’ names. Individual plaques for winning team members will be available for the full cost of the plaque to be paid upon request to the Special Events Chairperson no later than the date of the Finals for that season. d. One team plaque will be awarded to the Finals winner of each division. This plaque will include a team picture, the team name and the team members’ names. Individual plaques for winning team members will be available for the full cost of the plaque to be paid upon request to the Special Events Chairperson no later than the date of the Finals for that season. e. In the event that one team wins the regular season and that same team is the Finals winner, one team plaque will be awarded to that team. This plaque will include a team picture, the team name and the team members names. Individual plaques for winning team members will be available for the full cost of the plaque to be paid upon request to the Special Events Chairperson no later than the date of the Finals for that season. f. Before finals, if a controversy occurs between the two captains about rescheduling a match, the rules aforementioned in Section X of this document will apply. XIII. Conduct a. Good sportsmanship and common courtesy are expected at all times. Heckling or other harassment is forbidden. b. A team may make as much noise as it wants while it is throwing, but must remain quiet while the other team is throwing. c. All players and spectators must give each thrower plenty of room to throw and refrain from undue movement or motion in or near the dartboard lane to eliminate distractions. d. Repeated harassment or loud, foul language may result in forfeiture of up to six (6) match play points. e. Physical abuse against fellow darters, or against sponsor pubs’ property will not be tolerated and can result in suspension or expulsion of both parties relative to the circumstances. f. The GCDA League Council reserves the right to suspend or expel any player, team, sponsor, or pub whose actions and/or conduct is not in the best interest of the GCDA. g. There will be no gambling between players during GCDA events. Spectators will be asked to leave if it is discovered that gambling is going on during the match play. XIV. Protest Procedures a. Only team captains, acting team captains and sponsors may file protests about irregularities relating to any GCDA sanctioned event. b. All details must be submitted to the GCDA Rules and Protest Chairperson in writing within FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS of the incident. c. Irreconcilable differences that arise during semi-finals or finals are advised to be settled by arbitration through the Rules and Protest Committee chairperson, or the GCDA League Council designated alternate. d. Due to the time factors involved in these special protests, all contact shall be made by telephone. A decision will be made by the Rules and Protest Committee whose decision will be final! XV. Adding New Players a. Once the team roster has been submitted to the GCDA League Council and scheduled play has begun, there will not be allowed any changing of teams by individual players that have thrown. However, there will be allowed team/player changes between seasons. b. Submitted team rosters may not be altered except: 1. Players may be added to the team roster throughout the season until the ten (10) player cap is reached for Tuesday (6-player), the six (6) player cap is reached for Wednesday (3-player), and the eight (8) player cap is reached for Thursday (4-player). All add-ons are to be considered by the council or its dedicated committee as needed throughout the season. 2. Any player not currently a GCDA member may play on a qualified team without GCDA League Council approval as long as that players PPD does not raise the teams PPD average above the average of the lowest team in the next higher division. 3. A new player, meaning no previous league experience, may participate on any level. 4. Add-ons should be submitted to the GCDA council or the official scorekeeper prior to the team’s match. The official scorekeeper will then notify the GCDA League Council for approval. All dues must be paid when add-ons are submitted. 5. All Added players must play a minimum of two (2) matches for seasons with ten (10) or less weeks and a minimum of three (3) matches for seasons with over ten (10) weeks. XVI. Duties of Team Captains a. The team captain is responsible for the conduct of the team and the safety of all participants and spectators as referred to in the Conduct section of these rules. b. Each team must be represented by either the captain or the acting captain only. c. Each captain and co-captain will give a phone number(s) where they can be reached at any time. d. Each captain will have the GCDA League Officers’ telephone numbers. e. Each captain involved in weekly match play, season semi-finals, or finals SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR RESOLVING, while in private consultation with the opposing team captain, any rules infraction(s) which occur. Non-resolved differences shall be referred to the Rules and Protest Committee through the usual protest procedures of Section XIV of these rules. XVII. Changes in Play Format a. The GCDA Council may approve divisions that test new format ideas as well as promote tournament play. b. The league council reserves the right to accept or deny requests
and proposals that, in its opinion, are not in the best interest of the GCDA XVIII. Sub Rules a. Subs must pay a $5 fee for each night that they wish to sub on - prior to being used by any team. b. Subs must indicate which night(s) they are available to sub and will be responsible for keeping contact information up to date. c. Council will consider the PPD average (Points Per Dart) of each sub and assign their eligibility by divisions on each night of league play. A sub may be used in any division higher than their assigned division. d. A list of approved subs will be posted on the GCDA Captain's Facebook page and on the GCDA website. List will consist of accurate information to include GCDA dart number, name, phone number and divisions for which a sub is eligible. e. Subs will not be eligible to join a team during the season. If you sign up as a sub, you will remain a sub. f. Subs will not be eligible to play in playoffs or finals for the night they sub on and will not be eligible for awards. g. Subs must understand that their individual stats will not be recorded. XIX. ADO Membership and Participation a. All rostered/paid GCDA members for a calendar year, Jan 01 – Dec 31, will be American Dart Organization members and are entitled to participate in all ADO activities promoted by GCDA and Area 4-2. b. League Qualifiers for ADO Regionals will be conducted for each ADO National Event. The fee for current members will be determined by the League Council. Inactive members who have not been rostered/paid GCDA members in the current calendar year will be required to be pay league membership fees in addition to the qualifier fees. c. There must be 3 participants in a league qualifier in order for advancement. This is subject to change if the ADO makes changes to their current fee structure. XX. TDO Membership and Participation a. GCDA members will be eligible for Tennessee Darting Organization membership only at the time that they are rostered/paid GCDA members. TDO fees and player rosters are season based and not accepted annually. TDO membership will be valid for the season in which players are rostered/paid GCDA members until the end of that calendar year. b. Team Tour Qualifiers will be held each year if necessary. Qualification for participation in Team Tour on a GCDA team will follow TDO rules and require 10 weeks of play for eligibility. XXI. Additional Qualifiers a. Any additional qualifiers, related fees and eligibility will be determined by the League council
XXII. Forfeits XXIII. Amendments a. These Rules of Play may be amended by majority vote of the captains 1. Amendments made in accordance to Rules of Play Article IX Paragraph A -August 2011 2. Amendments made in accordance to Rules of Play Article IX Paragraph A -August 2012 3. Amendments made in accordance to Rules of Play Article IX Paragraph A -December 2013 4. Amendments made in accordance to Rules of Play Article IX Paragraph A -November 2017 5. Amendments made in accordance to Rules of Play Article X Paragraph B -May 2021 6. Amendments made in accordance to Rules of Play Article X Paragraph B -September 2021
6. Amendments made in accordance to Rules of Play Article X Paragraph B -June 2024