
Thursday Night Standings

Winter/Spring 2023

A Division

Team Points Record SS
Right There & Next Door 17512 - 3 - 015
Freaks With No leash 16310 - 3 - 215
Double Chasers 14610 - 4 - 115
Bullz Deep 1366 - 7 - 215
Trips N Doubles 1074 - 11 - 015
TBDC 630 - 14 - 115

For More A Division stats, schedule, and results, click here

B Division

Team Points Record SS
The Other Team 15511 - 4 - 015
Dot Vaders 1488 - 6 - 115
Tight 3-Sum 1337 - 6 - 215
Is It In? 1325 - 7 - 315
The Do Overs 1285 - 6 - 415
Law & Disorder 1083 - 10 - 215

High In: 152
by  Jarrod Potter
   ( Is It In?)

High Out: 142
by  Andrew Greer
   ( The Other Team)

Fastest 501: 16
by  Anthony Yoder
   ( Tight 3-Sum)

Captains List

For More B Division stats, schedule, and results, click here

C Division

Team Points Record SS
One More Time 1216 - 5 - 112
Wasted Tripp 1136 - 2 - 412
Crosshairs 1106 - 3 - 312
Dart Slingers 1093 - 6 - 312
Dartz & Confuzed 873 - 8 - 112
BYE 00 - 0 - 00

For More C Division stats, schedule, and results, click here

D Division

Team Points Record SS
Who Darted? 17613 - 2 - 015
Duck Fouble One 1489 - 4 - 215
Tons O Bull 1458 - 5 - 215
Talk Darty to Me 1357 - 7 - 115
Pointer Sisters 1123 - 11 - 115
Neighbors Yard 942 - 13 - 015

For More D Division stats, schedule, and results, click here

Codes:     # Late Scoresheet      % Missed Captains Meeting

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